The Pragmatist

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The Pragmatist

The Pragmatist

The Pragmatist knows that, when all is said and done, doing science is about delivering interesting results. If a task isn't bringing you any closer to that all-important figure, then it ain't worth doing. Just because your experiment could be better, doesn't mean it needs to be.

Your focus on results makes you efficient, you're always doing the work that matters, and not spending time re-inventing the wheel. If you can buy a reagent, why would you bother making it yourself? You know how to zero in on what really counts, so you can make the biggest impact and drive science forward.

In your push for progress, don't forget those curious instincts that got you into science in the first place. From time to time. leave your critical path and tinker a little. Run those experiments that you've have in the back of your mind. They might lead you somewhere interesting.

If you're looking for inspiration, maybe you should check in with The Experimenter. They're bound to have a few ideas.

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