The Visionary

You are …


You are …

The Visionary

The Visionary

The Visionary is a font of scientific inspiration. To you, data is not merely a series of points on a chart, it is a story unfolding in front of you. Outliers are plot twists – the data showing us that the world is not as it seems. Each result is an opportunity to hypothesise and ideate: “What if?” “I wonder whether…” “What if we try…”. To the Visionary, there is always an explanation. We just have to find it.

Your excitement and love for the science means you’re always at the cutting edge, and you constantly weave these developments into your work. Your experiments may be ambitious, but if they work, glory awaits. That thrill keeps you motivated, even when your last 10 experiments failed. What if this next one doesn’t?

Your plans are inspiring, but sometimes it’s good to ground yourself with a little structure and realism. Otherwise those dreams may remain dreams and never make it down to terra firma – and what a shame that would be.

The Engineer would make a good sparring partner. They can help you put together the structure and the practical steps to realise your grand plans.

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